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Europechain Education Program delivers EOSIO with the University of Geneva

Europechain is amongst the world’s first to teach blockchain technology at a global university. Europechain has delivered an advanced EOSIO course at the University of Geneva as part of its official Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) on blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). The EOSIS Blockchain is considered Blockchain 3.0 because of its zero transaction fees, TPS rates of 10,000 per second and fast scaling ability. The teaching of EOSIO at Geneva marks a further step in the adoption of blockchain as a new and vibrant digital technology.

NEXT BLOCK Asia 2.0 Revisits Bangkok; Ends with GURUS Influencer Awards

NEXT BLOCK Asia 2.0 Revisits Bangkok; Ends with GURUS Influencer Awards


Place your brand at the epicentre of African blockchain technology and AI by showcasing your brand through speaking, sponsoring and exhibiting opportunities at the Blockchain Africa Conference 2020. We attract 600+ key stakeholders and media across the African and global blockchain ecosystem, creating the ideal opportunity to communicate your brand, products and services.

The Blockchain Africa Conference 2020 is Moving Beyond the Hype

Africa's leading Blockchain conference will bring together hundreds of attendees from around the globe to discuss the future and convergence of blockchain technology and AI and how these technologies are addressing urgent challenges in Africa.

Blockchain: Technology for Sustainability

The teams of AB InBev, IECISA and Rewire were the winners of the Global Blockchain Challenge, thanks to their innovative blockchain-based solutions that excelled for their technical, business and legal development, scalability and social impact.

Consol Freight CEO talks crypto, fiat investments and protestors at Malta AI and Blockchain Summit

Ernesto Vila, CEO of Consol Freight, presented at the November 2019 Malta AI and Blockchain Summit where he was tasked with commenting on the statup investor landscape and questioned if the blockchain sector was different from traditional tech.

Cyber Science 2020 - Pioneering Research & Innovation in Cyber Situational Awareness

Cyber Science is an IEEE sponsored event, in partnership with the Dublin City University, Ireland. The event comprises four joint and co-located internationally refereed conferences, namely: Cyber Situational Awareness (CyberSA), Social Media, Cyber Security and Cyber Incident.

Brexit issues on Supply Chain tacked using blockchain

Since the 1980s, Global Trade has multiplied by a factor of 3.5 but the Global Supply Chain has not kept pace. In fact, the World Trade Bank estimates that inefficiencies in Global Supply Chain are costing as much as USD 2 trillion of the overall USD 16 trillion market.

MediLiVes Launches Unique Healthcare App in London

MediLiVes, the innovative healthcare platform based on AI and Blockchain technology, launched its App on Saturday 16th November in London. MediLiVes is disrupting the USD 10 million diagnostic industry by partnering with medical practitioners and patients on a single digital platform.

SingularityNET Announces the Successful Integration of PayPal Payments in its Decentralized Beta Marketplace

The SingularityNET Foundation, the leader in decentralized AI technology, announces today the successful integration of PayPal payments into their blockchain-based artificial intelligence marketplace.

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